Guest posting or guest blogging refers to writing articles or content for a blog that is not your own. You become a “guest” author on the blog in question, an occasional contributor. Guest posting is a way of strengthening the relationship between two websites, boosting the reach of both and enabling them to attract new subscribers.
If you specialise in writing content about digital marketing, for example, you can write blog posts for other sites related to your industry, such as blogs that focus on business, e-commerce or SEO. Integrating guest blogging into your content strategy is a good way to boost traffic and conversions on your site. It’s a practice that can improve your site’s performance in several ways. Let’s take a look at it together.
Regularly publishing quality, high-value content on other sites and allowing guest bloggers to do the same on your blog is a great way to boost traffic to your site, expand your audience and improve your rankings in Google results.
Whar are the objectives of Guests Posting?
1. It allows you to attract more traffic to your site and gain credibility
Today, companies invest a lot of time and money to become the reference for their audience when it comes to knowledge and information. When you take the time to help your audience by explaining specific concepts and directing them to the right resources, you increase the chances that your site will be seen as a reliable source of information that people will return to in the future.
2. It allows you to expand your network of backlinks
In general, the articles you publish on other websites as a guest blogger contain backlinks to your site or other authority sites. It has been proven that backlinks play a crucial role in website SEO.
In addition, adding links to authoritative sites boosts the credibility of your content and shows that you have done your research and know what you are talking about. Backlinks to your site will redirect visitors to your content, which will increase traffic to your site. However, remember not to go overboard and add too many backlinks to your site or it could have a negative influence on your search engine rankings.
3. It allows you to grow your community of subscribers
Regularly sharing quality articles on other people’s blogs and becoming an authority within your field of expertise allows you to expand the audience you reach and grow the community of people who follow and trust you. New members of your audience are likely to become customers and older members are likely to become repeat customers.
Is guest blogging risky?
Like any link building tactic, guest posts can be abused. But today, guest blogging is probably one of the best methods of link building.
The first rule of thumb for starting a link building effort through guest blogging is to forget about link building and focus on creating valuable content for the reader.
As long as the blogger is discerning and willing to spend time checking – and sometimes editing – articles from outside sources, guest blogging can be an excellent source of valuable content for their audience.
An important part of editing any external contribution is to examine the links in the content. You should not include a link unless it makes editorial sense.
Some recommendations for making guest posts without being penalised
Google penalises certain practices that it considers to be spam and one of them is forced link building. That’s why the inclusion of links in the guest posts you publish or receive must look as natural as possible, otherwise you could receive a penalty.
Also, the article must be of high quality, it must not be copied from elsewhere (which would also be plagiarism and that is very bad) and the links must not come from pages with a bad reputation. You can guide yourself with the MOZ tool, for example, to find out the DA or domain authority of a site and what its status is.